March 19, 2012

Mom Monday {truth about our food}

This is a topic I am very passionate about. Being aware of what is in the food you and your families eat is so crucial. I have made the choice to make all of Piper's food, and feed her only organic as much as possible. This can often times be a difficult lifestyle choice as you are faced with others that don't understand the reasons for making these choices. But after I watched this amazing Ted talk that Robyn O'Brien gave, it really inspired me to share...READ MORE

April 14, 2009

Creative Genius

A close friend of mine has a knack for sending me the most inspirational messages or in this case videos, at the most opportune times. Being that Emily and I are knee deep in design launches and stationery show tasks, this couldn't have come at a better time. This is a video of Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the amazing book Eat Pray Love, at a TED Talk. For those of you unfamiliar with TED its an annual conference that brings together the world's most...READ MORE