October 16, 2013

The Best Healthy Meal Blogs

Something my girlfriends and I have been talking about a lot is where to find inspiration and recipes for family meals. I promised them I would share my favorite resources, so here they are! Sometimes I find myself following the recipes word for word, sometimes I adapt them to fit ingredients I already have. Either way you are in for a big session of mouthwatering inspirations right now... Roost is a fabulous resource, and the recipes are organized...READ MORE

October 14, 2013

Mom Monday {Super Quick Lentil Salad}

I was talking to my girlfriends this weekend about make ahead dinner ideas, and this is one of my favorites. Now that you have mastered the perfect lentils, here is a super quick easy recipe for you to make the best lentil salad. The best thing about this salad, is that you can really just add any seasonal fruits and vegetables and voila! I have made it with feta cheese and olives or apples, shallots and blue cheese. And like I mentioned in the last post,...READ MORE

August 26, 2013

Mom Monday {A new normal}

It always encourages me and helps motivate me when I learn about people like Helene of French Foodie Baby. As I was feeding miss Piper her favorite new food discovery, fresh figs and blue cheese, I realized Helene's mention of "a new normal" was not only exciting but I think possible. Here is a blurb from her great post : "I guess my point is that by practicing this in your home with your family, by giving thought to mindful eating, making it a parenting...READ MORE

July 18, 2013

In the Kitchen {easy tomato snacks}

One of my favorite kitchen gadgets is my food dehydrator. I do most of my dehydrating in the spring and summer as the fruits are my favorite. Dried peaches...yum! I have been trying to do more veggies as well. My most recent veggie success are these delicious tomatoes. They are so super easy too! Start by slicing your ripe tomatoes 1/4" thick. Toss with olive oil, salt and garlic powder.  Cherry tomotoes are also super yummy this way. Dehydrate for...READ MORE

July 10, 2013

In the Kitchen {easy summer salad}

I whipped up this gorgeous, delicious, healthy salad last night for us. Everyone loved it so much, I thought I had to share. It took all of maybe 5 minutes to prepare and I used local fresh organic...READ MORE