May 9, 2011

Mom Monday {happy mother's day}

I hope you all had a fabulous mother's day yesterday. Here is a little peek into how I spent mine. We took Piper for a walk at a wilderness park close by our house to show her all the flowers. She is absolutely in LOVE with flowers so it was so much fun watching her marveling at all the different types of flowers. We saw bunnies, cactus, flowers and was a beautiful day. My husband then made the most beautiful lunch of pesto mozzarella...READ MORE

April 7, 2011

Family Shoot inspired

When I came across this family shoot of Joy aka Wildflowers Photography shot by Sassyfras Studios I literally got tears in my eyes. Maybe it's because I am a mom now, or maybe because this is the most darling shoot I have ever seen, but either way I could not wait to share these photos with you guys. Joy used these gorgeous shots to announce that they are expecting! Congratulations Joy and family! One thing that really struck me is what Lauren and...READ MORE

March 7, 2011

Mom Monday {it goes so fast!}

To all you moms out there, you know what I mean, it goes so fast. Everyone tells you this, and no matter how aware you are, nothing prepares you for how fast it actually does go by. It seems like just yesterday Piper was born, now she is just 3 short months away from 1 year old!! Aaah! I know so many moms that say they tried to keep a baby book, but they let it go after a few months. I love the idea of keeping it more simple. Maybe include just a few...READ MORE

February 28, 2011

Mom Monday {first birthday inspirations}

I am slightly freaking out as I type this, but we are only months away now from Piper's first birthday!!! Wow! How does this happen so fast? So I find myself starting to daydream about what I will do for her first birthday party. My first thought is to do something pink, fairy princess like. But if I am being honest, I think at this point in her life she would rather have bright colors and giraffes! So here goes... The color palette could be pinks and...READ MORE

May 4, 2010

Mother's Day WV Picks

For all you last minute shoppers out there here is my pick of Wiley Valentine cards and gifts for Mother's day. First things fist...the card! No.1 This lovely floral adorned mother's day card; No. 2 Mother's day berry card, adorned with the cutest fresh strawberries!; No. 3 This brand new card has vintage orchids and details in the prettiest color palette. All moms need a little letterpress stationery right? No.4 I adore these green butterfly...READ MORE