November 25, 2013

Mom Monday {super easy zucchini chips}

I was looking at the huge pile of zucchinis we had from our CSA basket, thinking what can I do with these that everyone would just love? I came up with these super easy zucchini chips. They are so simple, and so delicious. They work for a snack, for an appetizer when you are having impromptu guests, or along side dinner. Your kids will love these I swear! And so will...READ MORE

November 14, 2013

In The Kitchen {Lentil Eggplant Burgers}

So my Sunday ritual as of late is to cook big batches of things so we can enjoy them for the weeks to come. I keep some in the fridge, and then freeze some for later. One of my go-to recipes are my version of veggie burgers. They are so amazingly good, and you can really just use this recipe as a guideline to create your own burgers. If you are vegan, you can leave out the cheese, and replace the egg with 1 tablespoon flax meal with 3 tablespoons of warm...READ MORE

November 4, 2013

Mom Monday {The Switch Witch}

Halloween is not my favorite holiday. Don't get me wrong, I love the costumes, and the act of trick or treating with the little ones is loads of fun. But the candy itself just feels so wrong to me. Filled with all the things we, as a family, try to avoid, chemicals, GMO's, yucky non-food stuff. So this halloween we started a new tradition. Something I read about the morning of Halloween on Healthy Child's Blog, the Swtich Witch, an idea from Healthy Happy...READ MORE

October 16, 2013

The Best Healthy Meal Blogs

Something my girlfriends and I have been talking about a lot is where to find inspiration and recipes for family meals. I promised them I would share my favorite resources, so here they are! Sometimes I find myself following the recipes word for word, sometimes I adapt them to fit ingredients I already have. Either way you are in for a big session of mouthwatering inspirations right now... Roost is a fabulous resource, and the recipes are organized...READ MORE

September 16, 2013

Mom Monday {Halloween Favorites}

I cannot believe it's almost that time already...halloween. I have been collecting my favorite costumes this year. What are your kids dressing up like this year? Would love to hear some of your ideas! Wonder Woman // Alice in Wonderland // Lavender Fairy // Paper Doll // Where the Wild Things // Peacock Fairy // Unicorn...READ MORE