June 6, 2011

Mom Monday {in the kitchen – baby edition}

I was so excited meeting so many moms that read Mom Mondays at the Stationery Show last month. So many of you told me how you loved the baby food recipes so here is another one for you. This is one of my favorites and it is so quick and easy (no cooking required) that you can make it on a whim. I experimented last night and made two different flavors, original hummus and then roasted red pepper hummus. Piper officially loves both, so baby...READ MORE

April 11, 2011

In the kitchen {butternut squash}

Thanks so much for your amazing feedback and support on my first baby food post. In response here is another super easy recipe to try for your little ones. If you are lucky enough to have a Trader Joe's nearby the pre-cut butternut squash makes this truly an easy and quick...READ MORE