September 22, 2010

Sketchbook Project Sneak Peek

The girls in the studio have been asking me to share my progress so far on my sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project so I thought why not share it with all of you! I would love to see any of your sketchbooks? Email me with pics of your progress and I will choose some to share with you lovelies! Happy sketching!...READ MORE

June 23, 2010

Guest Post: Jesi Haack {Snow Cone Cocktail}

I am thrilled to bring you the fabulous Jesi Haack today as our guest blogger. If you are not familiar with Jesi's work I suggest you head right over to her blog and website, you will be instantly inspired! Today Jesi is sharing with us a fabulous DIY Snow Cone Cocktail bar. I absolutely LOVE this idea! And in her own words, here is Jesi. You want to be creative. You want your event to be remembered. You want your guests to have a blast. So you...READ MORE

May 13, 2010

My Baby Shower {the details}

Ok to wrap up my baby shower coverage here are some of the fabulous details Emily and the girls at Wiley Valentine put together for me! First up...the amazing food! Some of the stand outs...chilled cucumber soup, a fresh berry tart (made by my hubby), Paulette macarons and those adorable cake pops that our very own Kristin made! I was so in love with all the flower arrangements, designed by Wendy, Emily's mother. And all the amazing vintage...READ MORE