Ra-Brary aka Secret Library Room

This is a little sneak peek into my favorite room in my house. It has been dubbed “The Ra-Brary”, my own little secret library room. I mentioned one day to my husband that I wished I had a library in our house, and that was it. He whipped up this amazing little hiding place for me, in that funny, under the stairs storage area that you never really know what to do with, besides throw a bunch of junk  in (you with me?). You literally have to crawl underneath the coats to get inside! 


He built the ikea bookshelf inside the room, placed a fabulous ikea rug, hung a few pictures and voila!! The bulletin board you see on the wall, was also built by my amazing husband. He built a frame from left over crown molding pieces, made a cork square and covered it with fabric. I have since tacked up menus from some of my favorite restaurants on it. There is even a fun little section of pillows facing the bookshelves, perfect for cozying up with my favorite books and magazines! This room is always a hit when we have guests over, for some reason the ladies always end up sipping wine and chatting in here! It makes you feel like you are a kid again.
