August 24, 2010

Round Up {Wallpaper}

There is something about the patterns and creative freedom that makes wallpaper so inspiring. I find my work constantly being inspired by wallpaper patterns. These fabulous wallpaper designers are just the tip of the ice berg! It's not a secret that we at the WV are HUGE Anthropologie fans. So when I saw that they now offer wallpaper that keeps with their fabulous aesthetic I was instantly in love. The intricate vintage details, hand drawn bird cages,...READ MORE

March 10, 2010

Things I heart

Here is a little collection of things I can't get off my mind this week: From the top {No.1} that Alice in Wonderland print by Justin Harder via Print Magazine is just feeding my all things Alice mode right now. {No.2} the new Utterly Engaged is packed with fabulous inspiration including this ridiculously cute cake.  {No.3} These miniature macarons I spotted over on Cutest Food, is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen!! Tiny tiny macarons? sign...READ MORE

April 28, 2009

Wallpaper Salon

I stumbled across Hermitage the other day, and I am so in love! They have hands down the best selection of wallpaper I have ever seen. I love the whimsical qualities of the designs.  A deer head pattern to the illustrations of carrots inspired by children's books by Palace Papers! So fun and...READ MORE