June 12, 2014

I need to try {Vino & Vinyasa…}

Just a few things I feel I must try. They are hosting a "vino and vinyasa" class near my house. I am dying to try this. Two of my favorite things all combined into one evening. I wonder if this 2 minute milkmaid braid would work in my hair.. and this vegan cashew milkshake laced with homemade vanilla bourbon sounds...READ MORE

December 16, 2013

Mom Monday {vegan egg nog}

I have to admit I love myself some egg nog. So when I accidentally created this vegan, sugar free version I was overjoyed with how delicious it turned out. It's super easy, and oh so delicious. YOU WILL NEED: 1 cup of raw organic cashews (or almonds), soaked in water for 2 hours - overnight 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 8-10 good size dates 1 teaspoon of cinnamon cinnamon & nutmeg to taste TO MAKE: strain your soaked nuts and place in a...READ MORE

November 14, 2013

In The Kitchen {Lentil Eggplant Burgers}

So my Sunday ritual as of late is to cook big batches of things so we can enjoy them for the weeks to come. I keep some in the fridge, and then freeze some for later. One of my go-to recipes are my version of veggie burgers. They are so amazingly good, and you can really just use this recipe as a guideline to create your own burgers. If you are vegan, you can leave out the cheese, and replace the egg with 1 tablespoon flax meal with 3 tablespoons of warm...READ MORE

October 16, 2013

The Best Healthy Meal Blogs

Something my girlfriends and I have been talking about a lot is where to find inspiration and recipes for family meals. I promised them I would share my favorite resources, so here they are! Sometimes I find myself following the recipes word for word, sometimes I adapt them to fit ingredients I already have. Either way you are in for a big session of mouthwatering inspirations right now... Roost is a fabulous resource, and the recipes are organized...READ MORE