January 7, 2013

Mom Monday {Ballet Class!}

Piper has been asking me non-stop lately (to my delight) if she can take a ballet class. At 2 1/2 she is just at the age where she can do so. We are doing a trial class this Saturday! I am beyond excited, and a little nervous. It will the first class she takes that is not Mommy-and-me. Parents are encouraged to stand outside and look in. I will keep you posted on how she does. Does anyone else do ballet class with their little ones? I would love to...READ MORE

September 12, 2011

In the Kitchen {chickpea burgers}

Happy Mom Monday everyone! Well this recipe is my new favorite thing to make for Piper as well as myself, I couldn't wait to share it with you. Inspired by this Martha Stewart recipe, I came up with this rendition of Chickpea burgers. Piper's favorite food of all time is my homemade hummus. But I really was looking for something to mix it up a bit, and this was the perfect solution! I served them as "cheese burgers" no bun for Piper. For us I served it...READ MORE