May 20, 2011

Stationery Show Sneak Peek 2011

As I sift through and retouch a TON of pictures from out trip I thought I would leave you with a little sneak peek into the time we had. I can't wait to share with you the experiences we had and a bunch of fun pictures!! Happy Friday everyone! See you bright and early Monday morning with the beginning of the Stationery Show recap!...READ MORE

May 9, 2011

Mom Monday {happy mother's day}

I hope you all had a fabulous mother's day yesterday. Here is a little peek into how I spent mine. We took Piper for a walk at a wilderness park close by our house to show her all the flowers. She is absolutely in LOVE with flowers so it was so much fun watching her marveling at all the different types of flowers. We saw bunnies, cactus, flowers and was a beautiful day. My husband then made the most beautiful lunch of pesto mozzarella...READ MORE

April 28, 2011

Rainbow Inspired

There has always been something about rainbows that just screams magical happiness. Since I was a little girl I have adored rainbows, they  just make me smile. Here are a few of my favorites... {1} first up is quite possibly the coolest house I have ever seen. Think Alice down the rabbit hole + rainbows!! Check out this amazing video.  {2} who wouldn't want rainbow pancakes right? via I am Mommy spotted on Swiss Miss.  {3} this rainbow house looks...READ MORE

April 11, 2011

In the kitchen {butternut squash}

Thanks so much for your amazing feedback and support on my first baby food post. In response here is another super easy recipe to try for your little ones. If you are lucky enough to have a Trader Joe's nearby the pre-cut butternut squash makes this truly an easy and quick...READ MORE

April 5, 2011

inspired by…

Sometimes it is just refreshing to put down in one place all those images you just can't seem to shake from your you know what I mean? Well here are a few that are camping out in my head right now... From the top: Forgive me but I had to include my biggest inspiration, Piper of course! Then there are those gorgeous flowers my hubby gave to me and Piper this weekend, I love that jar!! This wedding shot by Last Forty Percent spotted on Green...READ MORE