May 15, 2015

Friday Fun {Typography + Falafels}

Today's inspiration to-go image is our CSA basket this week. The produce is changing, and it's so fun to see what we will get next. Our CSA basket is from South Coast Farms, who we love. CSA's are a great way to get fresh, local, organic produce and integrate healthy real foods into your diet. Here's a great way to search for one near you by zip...READ MORE

May 11, 2015

Mom Monday {Pressed Juicery Freeze}

A few weekends ago I discovered Pressed Juicery Freeze, and I am madly in love. I have always had a love for frozen yogurt, but had an internal battle knowing all the yucky ingredients it contains. Pressed Freeze is the answer to my battle. They literally freeze their cold pressed juices and add nothing!! The toppings do not dissappoint, think chocolate sauce made of raw cacao, coconut oil and honey. Or drizzle almond butter and sprinkle shredded coconut...READ MORE

February 2, 2015

Mom Monday {Smoothies by Color}

It's pretty easy to make a smoothie that looks, well unappetizing. I had fallen into a rut of making what I call "The Kitchen Sink Smoothie". Basically whatever we had in the house would end up in the smoothie. Spinach and carrots, strawberries and cucumbers etc...This many days would end up as a brown really yucky looking smoothie. And while it may have tasted good, the flavors started to get muddled. So we are now on a roll with making smoothies by...READ MORE

January 26, 2015

Mom Monday {homemade organic Cracker Jack}

I took Piper to see Paddington Bear over the weekend with a few of her friends. The hubby whipped up this fabulous homemade organic adaptation to Cracker Jack and I brought baggies for everyone. It was so fun to have a treat at the movies that was healthy and delicious. Here is the...READ MORE

January 14, 2015

Soups to Try

With the chilly months upon us I find myself craving soup. Here are a few fun recipes I am excited to try. What are your favorite soup...READ MORE