September 9, 2013

Mom Monday {Smitten with Yaya Lala}

Happy Mom Monday my friends! We had such a great time with family. I have to say, staying somewhere with no internet or phone access for days was quite liberating. Not something I am used to but it really makes you decompress and focus on the now. With that said, it's good to be back in the swing of things. Today I have a treat for you. Something I am completely smitten with lately, these gorgeous shoes by Yaya Lala. I mean the details and craftsmanship...READ MORE

August 26, 2013

Mom Monday {A new normal}

It always encourages me and helps motivate me when I learn about people like Helene of French Foodie Baby. As I was feeding miss Piper her favorite new food discovery, fresh figs and blue cheese, I realized Helene's mention of "a new normal" was not only exciting but I think possible. Here is a blurb from her great post : "I guess my point is that by practicing this in your home with your family, by giving thought to mindful eating, making it a parenting...READ MORE

August 12, 2013

Mom Monday {toddler must haves}

Oh how things have changed since the diaper bag days. I thought I would share a few of things you will most likely find in my purse these days. 1 not necessarily in my purse but definitely in the car, these slip on converse are a must for school and playing outdoors 2 a Cinderella book provides entertainment while at a restaurant or in the car 3 BPA free water bottle is essential 4 Honest Sunscreen is in my purse at all times 5 Wipes are always...READ MORE

August 5, 2013

Mom Monday {lunchbox round-up}

With school starting soon I thought it would be fun to share a few lunchbox finds I have been collecting. I love how these are all eco-friendly, and the bento versions really help promote a healthy, well-balanced meal. Enjoy! 1 Reusable bamboo spoon and fork in one!! 2 Waste Free lunch kit 3 Leak-proof cooler bag/lunch box 4  A fun take on the bento box 5 The ultimate bento 6 Laptop lunches 7 The eco-lunchbox 8 Machine washable...READ MORE