January 16, 2015

Friday Fun {a tea in portland}

The inspiration to-go pic for today comes from such a perfect moment I had in Portland last weekend...sipping my delicious tea, sitting in a window seat at Tasty NĀ Alder, waiting for my breakfast, enjoying a moment with my husband. We also had some really good Banh Mi in the airport of all places on our way home from Portland. From one of their infamous food pods....so this recipe for tofu Banh Mi caught my eye...need to try! Happy weekend...READ MORE

December 16, 2014

In the Kitchen {best Pho ever}

With the weather getting so chilly I find myself craving a big bowl of warm soup. Pho is one of my favorites but I had never made it until the other night. Here is my recipe. I promise it is so...READ MORE

December 4, 2014

What’s For Dinner?

It's times like these, when things get really busy, that meal planning is a must for me. Otherwise, who knows what's for dinner! Here are a few of my favorites I am dying to try. Healthy, unique options!...READ MORE

October 13, 2014

Mom Monday {The Bento Lunch box}

I have to admit I am kind of obsessed with the bento box lunch idea. Piper's school actually provides all of their food so up until now I have not had to pack her lunch for her. Enter her first field trip. For field trips we pack their lunches, and I suddenly felt a need for a bento box style lunch box. While I did my research I found there were a TON of options. I would say my first choice would be Planet Box. However the price tag steered me in a...READ MORE