June 11, 2013

Happy Birthday to My Princess!

I cannot believe it's been 3 years since I held my baby girl in my arms for the first time! She is such a gift, such a blessing, and I am beyond grateful for my little fire cracker. She is about to start pre-school in a few months, becoming more and more independent, and has the most amazing imagination. She is at such a fun age and I am just trying to savor every minute. Happy Birthday Piper Marie!! And a look back at the beginning. Maternity and...READ MORE

April 29, 2013

Mom Monday {anatomy of a salad}

We make a lot of fun salads in our house, and there is really no recipe, or right or wrong way to do make them. They are based on whatever I have in the fridge, which is nice because it makes them different each time. Here is a basic guide to how I make my salads healthy and delicious. The fruit in the salad really helps to get your kids to eat and enjoy...READ MORE

March 25, 2013

Mom Monday {birthdays}

Well I cannot believe I am thinking about Piper's 3rd birthday! She will turn 3 in June, so it is just around the corner. For her first birthday I had the amazing talents of my dear friend Casey, and owner of The Flouring Artisans. Casey created the most amazing dessert table and delicious sugar-less cake for Piper. The party was bright orange and pinks with giraffes. For her second birthday Andrea Patricia Photography captured the most amazing photos...READ MORE

February 7, 2013

Six Impossible Things…

As I plan Piper's big girl room, I keep finding myself creating these art prints in my head...art prints with quotes from her favorite stories. This quote is from another of her favorites, and mine as well, Alice in Wonderland. I love this quote! And the idea of it hanging in her new room makes me smile. Happy Thursday my...READ MORE

January 7, 2013

Mom Monday {Ballet Class!}

Piper has been asking me non-stop lately (to my delight) if she can take a ballet class. At 2 1/2 she is just at the age where she can do so. We are doing a trial class this Saturday! I am beyond excited, and a little nervous. It will the first class she takes that is not Mommy-and-me. Parents are encouraged to stand outside and look in. I will keep you posted on how she does. Does anyone else do ballet class with their little ones? I would love to...READ MORE