December 15, 2010

Ballet Inspired

I am constantly being inspired by ballet are some of my latest favs... Photos 1.via pinterest 2.via Rachel Papo 3.via the Design Files 4.via The Little Book of Secrets 5.these are actually my ballet shoes from when I was little 6.via Pinterest 7.via Ashley Nicole Catherine 8.via Pinterest 9.via Pinterest 10.via Black Swan which by the way I cannot wait to...READ MORE

July 7, 2009

Signature Cocktail Inspiration

I can't tell you how excited I am for the new column over at D*Sponge, Behind the Bar. For the very first installment, they visited Apothecary, in Philadelphia, for a Cardamon Rose Cocktail. This column is going to be the perfect inspiration spot for brides looking for a new, unique spin on their signature cocktails. Or anyone else that enjoys the art of mixology. Cheers!! Also loving the packaging of that Hendrick's Gin and Peychaud Bitters. Gorgeous...READ MORE