August 1, 2011

Mom Monday {ultimate online resource guide}

I found myself putting together a list of my ultimate online blogs and resources for my sweet friend Courtney, a mommy-to-be. As I was putting it together I thought it would be the perfect resource to share with you. Hope you guys enjoy! I know there are so many others, so please feel free to include your picks in the comments below! The ultimate for inspiring your nursery style/look is Lay Baby Lay. Joni's style boards are beautifully designed, and...READ MORE

July 25, 2011

Mom Monday {milestones}

It was a very eventful weekend for us...Piper began to walk! She had taken a step here and there, but she now is walking really walking!! We are over the moon excited. Here are a few pics of her from her play date in the park this weekend. She is really coming out of her shell, walking all over the playground, playing with other's so cute! What an amazing journey this...READ MORE

May 12, 2011

Spirograph Cake Decorating

This exhibit by Misher' Traxler is absolutely brilliant. Visitors were invited to take an active role in the cake decorating by deciding how long the machine would apply the decorative icing (similar to a spirograph). I can't help but day dream having this at a child's birthday and doing something like this with cupcakes...would that not be so much fun!? The best part, I think, is how pretty the cakes turn out to be! I adore this concept and applaud...READ MORE

April 28, 2011

Rainbow Inspired

There has always been something about rainbows that just screams magical happiness. Since I was a little girl I have adored rainbows, they  just make me smile. Here are a few of my favorites... {1} first up is quite possibly the coolest house I have ever seen. Think Alice down the rabbit hole + rainbows!! Check out this amazing video.  {2} who wouldn't want rainbow pancakes right? via I am Mommy spotted on Swiss Miss.  {3} this rainbow house looks...READ MORE

April 18, 2011

Mom Monday {hot list}

I have put together some hot items for kids that I just absolutely adore. Handmade wings from Atsuyo et Akiko spotted on the brand new Lucky Kids Mag. The most adorable vintage kids clothes you have ever seen from the Littlest Shop. I must have this wooden book via Acorn Toy Shop also spotted on Lucky Kids Mag. Have you seen the new Stella McCartney kids line? To die for, seriously, this winged suit is just too cute right!? BlaBla kids is ALWAYS on my...READ MORE