Food Food Food…

So blame it on me being 8 months pregnant but I have food on the brain today! I do however think this topic is very relevant as I think too often food is overlooked at a wedding or event. I am such a lover of food, that I think this a shame. Here are some things to get you inspired about food and hopefully you will make it a special part of your event.


So it all started with the launch of the amazing online magazine Sweet Paul yesterday. What a gorgeously put together magazine! There are some really fun unique ideas as well, like cotton candy lemonade that changes colors, and frozen flowers as well as a ton of mouth watering recipes. This is really a MUST read, I promise.


Next up is one of my all time favorite places to look at beautiful food and get inspired to cook…Canelle et Vanille. Check out the pixie tangerine and fennel pots de creme. How adorable!? And those soaked lemon, poppy seed and olive oil cakes wrapped in wax paper. Such a gorgeous presentation. These yogurt fruit smoothies look amazing from Real Food is Good Food. And this homemade naan?! via In the Little Red House…yes please! I hope this inspires your to go out and make your event even more beautiful by using beautiful foods!