Packaging Crush {Talenti}

Ok so while visiting my parents in Park City the other day I stumbled across this absolutely perfect packaging in their freezer and I was jumping up and down I was so excited. The packaging is for this all natural, amazing gelato called Talenti. The packaging reminds me of a lush body scrub, however it holds actual gelato! How fun! Some of the fabulous flavors include Caramel Cookie Crunch, Argentine Dulce de Leche, and Old World Eggnog. See for yourself…


See what I mean! Oh and i haven’t even told you the best part yet, it’s 30%-100% less fat than regular ice cream! Score!! Seriously in love with this brand. So elegant and beautiful, it got me thinking, how amazing would it be to have an ice cream bar at a wedding reception featuring allĀ Talenti gelatos and sorbettos! Amazing!! Check out this fabulous ice cream bar DIY series from eat drink chic.


Check out the entire brilliant DIY instructions here, including free downloadable templates for those adorable paper cups!! Love it!