Collage Love

When I first saw Alexis Mackenzie’s work over on fecal face, I was instantly smitten. The photos of her studio are so inspiring and fabulous! Alexis’s work is created from images she cuts out of old books she collects from estate sales, and flea markets. I love that she takes existing illustration and is able to completely transform it into her own personal vision. Below are some pics of her studio, where she meticulously cuts out images with what I can only imagine to be a lot of patience!


What a fun process, to look through old books all day and create these fantasy like images. Her consistent use of mushrooms and butterflies had me hooked instantly! Here are some of my favorites…


How great is this tree lady series with butterfly wings as leaves!! Swoon…


These next images are so fabulous! First are these tiny pieces she created from old playing cards that used to be her grandmothers. Wow. And this whole series she did with illustrated words! Love love love!!!
