September 23, 2016

Friday Fun {Tulum and Cat Ear Gear}

As I get ready to head off on our annual family vacay I leave you with a few inspirations and some killer kid travel gear. We are headed out to Tulum, where the hubs and I honeymooned after our wedding in Playa del Carmen almost 12 years ago!! I know that Tulum is a much different place then it was back then. We stayed at the most darling hotel, their dining room was on the sand with a thatched roof, and the food was to die for. I am very excited to see...READ MORE

September 19, 2016

Mom Monday {Traveling with Baby}

As we get ready to take our annual family vacation I thought I would share with you my travel essentials. From comfy leggings, to comfy outfits for baby. Don't forget extra outfits for baby. I also love to introduce new toys on the plane. They seem to be so much more fun for Greyson if she hasn't seen them before. Also don't forget snacks for you and...READ MORE

August 24, 2016

In the Kitchen {Easy Mango Farro Bowl}

I whipped this up super fast for dinner last night and it was a huge hit with the entire family. The key to making this quick is to cook your grain of choice ahead of time in bulk, that way you have it ready to use throughout the week for lunch and dinner. I also had the corn leftover from a few nights ago, and the sauce was from the night before. So this took me all of about 10 minutes to prepare. Win win! For a little extra protein this would be great...READ MORE

August 9, 2016

My Morning Must Haves

I was recently asked what my morning routine looks like, and what things I can't live without so I thought I would share a little peek into my mornings here with you all. I feel like these are my secret weapons and I am so excited to share them with you! First up, my all time favorite app, A Color Story. This app is seriously my secret for getting brightly lit, beautiful, professional looking photos with just a few clicks. It's my all time favorite! I...READ MORE

August 1, 2016

Mom Monday {Quinoa Breakfast Porridge}

I made this recipe originally for Greyson, as baby food. I had some left over quinoa cooked in the fridge, and I wanted to give her something different from the usual oatmeal she had been having. I put the quinoa in the mini-prep with a banana, strawberries and breast milk, and voila! a protein-rich delicious breakfast. The best part was it was so easy to adapt so the whole family could enjoy it! Can't wait to hear what you guys...READ MORE