March 17, 2010

Yellow Happy Fun

Here is a little bit of what I am feeling lately. Loving the sunshine, the bright colors, the playfulness of these events, and the color yellow... The top three photos are from one of my favorite parties I have seen lately, over at The Sweetest Occasion. It's an owl themed first birthday party! How adorable!? Photos by Kallie Brynn Buckmaster. This yellow outdoor couch is from Garden House Decor.  I could pretty much take everything on this site!!...READ MORE

November 4, 2009

Cozy Winter Inspired

With all the custom holiday cards we are designing lately I am completely inspired by cozy winter whites, rustic charm with a bit of modern whimsy. This inspiration board I think showcases perfectly exactly what is inspiring me right now. (never mind it's 80 degrees in Southern California right now!) Think white cashmere blankets, handmade marshmallows, and a creamy white hot chocolate...sigh! From the top that amazing paper deer head and that adorable...READ MORE