Mom Monday {Fancy Nancy inspired}

Well at 20 months I must say one of Piper’s favorite things is Fancy Nancy. She has acquired quite the collection of Fancy Nancy books (thank you grandparents!). For those moms that aren’t familiar you must check them out. They are beautifully illustrated stories that teach the kids new words and great lessons. So all that to say, I am toying with the idea of a Fancy Nancy theme for her 2nd birthday. There are so many possibilities I thought I would just put down a few of my quick brainstorms.

I love the idea of creating a “posh dress up” station, where the kids dress up and take photos, photo-booth style. Also Fancy Nancy aspiring artist is one of our favorites. I adore how Nancy creates an art studio in her back yard, and this photo was perfect inspiration for that theme. I would love to hear your ideas, of if any of you have already done this theme I would love to see the results! Wishing all you moms a Fancy Mom Monday! xoxo