Mom Monday {creating memories}

I think it is so easy to fall into a routine and forget that as a parent we have the power to create those magical moments for our kids. Those memories that stick with you forever. This past weekend we celebrated my birthday (which happens to be today). We met the nicest couple on our way down to San Diego on the train who had been married for 33 years. They have two kids and to this day they still have dinners  as a family and take summer vacations together. They told us “it’s all about making memories”. This really resonated with Michael and I. We promised each other we would do things like this with our own family.

My mom, in honor of my birthday, sent me some great pics of me as a child. These were some of my favorites. I love seeing the joy in our faces (that’s my brother with me) and I remember how magical being at a carnival was! This weekend my husband created a memory for my birthday, as he surprised me with a trip down to San Diego with my brother, father and in-laws. We were given a list and 3 hours “scavenger hunt” style to accomplish tasks such as “take a picture with a celebrity” and “take a dip in a pool”. We had such an amazing time! I thought this would be such a fun thing to do with kids as they get older. Surprise scavenger hunts!? So fun!

These were some other ideas I had. I think we all need a reminder every once in a while to take some time out and just enjoy life. It doesn’t take a lot of money, just something simple like eating outdoors, or staying inside on a rainy day and watching movies together. What are some of your family memories or traditions?