Mommy and Me Shoes & Super Power Pancakes

You guys the coolest thing happened to me last Friday. One of my all time favorite blogs, The Chalkboard Mag, featured my Sun Potion Adaptogenic Pancake recipe that I had shared on Piper Grey Life. It was one of those pinch me moments you know? Chalkboard Mag is one of the few blogs these days that I actually read religiously. They are my go-to health and wellness source with style. So excuse me for a minute while I do my happy dance. The pancakes are super easy to make, packed with super foods and adaptogenics and kid approved.  In other news I  discovered the cutest gladiator wing shoes from Cotton On Kids and some Birkenstock style shoes, that would make the cutest mommy and me looks. I mean can you even!? And don’t let me forget to mention Freekeh, the new favorite grain in our house. It’s super quick to prepare, similar to quinoa, high in fiber and protein, and super versatile, plus kid approved. Win win win! Happy Weekend my friends!